You are smart with your money. You invest it, hedge it, and take extra steps to protect it. When it comes to purchasing insurance, you know your policy is just one piece in a bigger overall picture of wealth preservation. That is why choosing the right insurance agent is so important. You need someone who cares about protecting you and your family as much as you do, and who will take a multifaceted approach to protecting your future. Continue reading to learn how you should be purchasing insurance in the future.
Captive vs. Independent Agents
There are two types of insurance agents – captive agents and independent agents. A captive agent works for a particular insurance company. Though captive agents vow to look out for your best interests, they can only do so within the scope of their ability, which is limited to the product and service offerings available from the company they represent.
Independent agents, however, work first and foremost for the customers they represent. They have access to multiple insurance companies, which allows for comparisons and negotiations under the same umbrella of service. Independent agents take the burden off of you, taking time to match you with coverage and a company that is most aligned with your needs.
Choose a Local Car Insurance Agent
Any licensed agent can sell insurance, but that’s not what you really want. What you really want is someone who understands your individual circumstances. You want someone who goes above and beyond your expectations, providing smart financial products that stand in the gap between you and the things that could threaten your way of life.
At Glass Insurance Center, it’s never “just insurance.” We understand there is a relationship between insurance and your money. Any policy can provide benefits when you need to file a claim, but the right insurance program can provide safety, assurance, and secondary layers of protection.
We maintain strong relationships with our clients. This allows us to provide more comprehensive insurance and wealth preservation solutions based on individual risk and long term goals. We believe the partnership we build with our Lake Geneva customers facilitates educated and informed decision-making in the future.
Avoid the Pitfalls of Direct-Sales Insurance
Advanced technology and the rise of a DIY culture has economic implications, especially in the insurance industry. Some people are foregoing agents in an attempt to purchase car insurance policies online directly from the insurers. This approach can prove costly, however, since agents serve a vital purpose – understanding the unique needs of the person purchasing coverage and providing unbiased advice.
For someone who has a complex financial profile, do-it-yourself insurance is not even something to be considered. That is because savvy clients know that insurance can be a powerful financial tool. Where investments help your money grow, insurance helps you hold onto what you have already acquired. There are better things to do with your time than try to become your own insurance and financial services expert. Instead, turn to a trained and experienced team that exists solely to manage your risks and provide diversified options for safeguarding your family and your assets.
Call Glass Insurance today for more information and to request your personalized insurance risk evaluation. We look forward to serving you soon.